Category: Teenage Years
When Dumb Becomes Useful
There is a longstanding phrase that sums up theĀ impulsivity of youth: Young and stupid….
Bombs Bursting In Air
The noise and clouds of rising smoke have left this year’s 4th of July celebration…
Navigating the “Big Muddy”
I seriously doubt that many young men would have resisted a just and necessary cause…
Mea Culpa Poodle
It’s probably unnecessary to publish a formal correction to an earlier essay since that’s really…
Rec Room Rectory
And that title pretty much sums it up because throughout my youth the rec room…
10 More Musical Bookmarks
It was so much fun the first time that I’ve unleashed 10 more of my…
10 Musical Bookmarks
Music denotes points of interest along the road of life, bookmarks if you will. We’ve…
Alone Again, Naturally?
Because there was no father on hand and because my mother tried to have a…
Charge of the Lightweight
Growing up in a U.S./Canadian border city with the great wilds of Windsor, Ontario a…
The College of Chaos
Reflecting on my freshman year in college, it’s a miracle that I graduated at all…