Tag: carrying through with dumb ideas
When Dumb Becomes Useful
Freakmaster November 1, 2011
There is a longstanding phrase that sums up theĀ impulsivity of youth: Young and stupid….
2 Comments on When Dumb Becomes Useful Posted in Parental Moments, Self-Assessment, Teenage Years, Young Adulthood Tagged burning sparklers in an airtight enclosure, carrying through with dumb ideas, cautioning my nephew against making a dumb move, doing dangerous stunts, doing stupid things in college, dumping over a go-cart, freakish accounts, freaks of nurture, freaks of nurture.com, rescuing a turtle on the New Jersey Turnpike, taunting mortality and living to tell about it, the lesson of risking your life for something stupid, traversing a bridge on the under girders